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Currently doing

This summer I'm currently a intern at the Parasol Laboratory working on motion planning under Dr. Amato ( who is in charge of the Parasol Laboratory). I'm going to be here for the next ten weeks and with grad and under grad students in this lab. This will be a good experience for my Computer Science and help with my future for my career.  


Motion Planning is the problem of finding a valid path to move an object from a start to a goal configuration. As motion planning grows into more and more fields, better methods of simulating and finding the best traversal for an object to follow are needed. This may sound facile but with motion planning being so broad, research is needed in order to properly implement it.


The goal of this project is to optimize visualization software to help in the simulations done by other individuals in the field of motion planning. Through the guidance of Irving and others in the lab, we strive to be able to perfect the simulators functionality and performance.



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