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Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

weekly Reports

Week 6

On Monday Irving told everyone to work on the crash course and notify my group about the project that we'll be doing. Tuesday, I went to lunch when Nancy came in and introduce herself, once I got back from lunch I got to meet her and introduce and talk to her about finishing the crash course. On Wednesday, we had a meeting with Shawna and Nancy to give a brief summary on every project that each group was doing.On Thursday, my group was working on making objects and putting them in the environment like big boxes to put in the way of the small cube while it travels on it's path. On Friday, we continue to build objects made 3D and 2D surfaces. Also work on my personal website and updating my weekly journals.

On Monday I worked on updating my website to add week 4.Then worked on our kuka environments, but the arm kept breaking; we tried to troubleshoot the problem. On Tuesday the group kept working on the environment to find out when an obstacle was near the kuka the arm would break, then we tests in an new environment to see how to fix this problem. On Wednesday we had a meeting to see the websites and had food. On Thursday we got a new assignment from Irving to test all the strategies and put the results in a report. On Friday we ran the simulations and collected the data and put it into the report.

This was a short week we had 4th of July off and when we came back on Wednesday we started to work on the kuka robot again to fix it, in which we did. Also wrote down coordinates for the robot to move. Then on Thursday we we had a meeting where Sascha presented about disassembly, after we look at web sites to see what to improve in our personal websites. We started to to update both the websites. also finish kuka environments and showed to Irving, and discussed the environment.  On Friday we added onto the environment to show the capable of kuka in fixed mode. Ran simulations within the environment with several strategies. 

On Tuesday(our first day), I got my username and my password for the computers so I could start on the crash courses and started with the website with the basic information like name, email, and room number.After working on the website a bit I started and finish with the first part ( Motion Planning and Probabilistic Road Maps(PRMS)). on Wednesday we started on the part 2 (PMPL and Vizmo: Tools for Solving Motion Planning Problems) towards half of the day I was stuck trying to get the data to run for the nodes.dat and the cd.dat and got it fix by the end of the day. On Thursday I started on the k-values and saved them on maps and stat. and the second part of the day I finish putting the about me and mentors on the website. Friday I'm finishing up the discussion questions and readings and go over them.  

On Monday our group was Simulating within 3D environment with several different strategies and we used Vizmo for reference. On Tuesday I help Mukalika and Diane with setting up computers. in Vizmo we started to implement road maps and paths and continued running different strategies within Vizmo. On Wednesday we completed 2-1 which was a rotational 2D goal and started my personal website. On Thursday I left back to my home for the weekend.

On Tuesday we started to track all the different MP Strategies in a spreadsheets, and keep running different simulations. On Wednesday we completed the the simulations and put the data in the spreadsheets, then started to work on the environment with the kuka robot that its purpose is to use translation and rotation to complete. We attended the weekly meeting where Shawna and Tim showed their projects that uses MAPRM and how its uses Medial Axis in the environment. On Thursday we started to make an environment to make the arm move only and leave the base, we tried to fix the bugs with the collisions. On Friday we kinda finish the environment and went to have lunch with Diane and Mukulika.

Week 7

this week we started working with car-like robots and started to write our reports for the simulations executed beforehand. With our reports needing many different simulations, we had help from Andrew, another intern writing a script that would run 10 trials of the strategies . 

Week 8

This week we had our first meeting about the posters and received feedback on what to change and applied those changes later on this week. We finally got the robot to mirror what happens in the simulator almost perfectly. 

Week 9

Coming close to the final week we started to finishing up our poster for the symposium next week. We keep running tests and measuring results, we also worked on a final report and attended a talk by Wookho Son on virtual reality and how he is applying it to several different fields, I found it interesting but it seem incomplete but it could go further.  

Week 10

This week was our last here at Parasol Labs. Our poster symposium went well, and although we did not place,and I think we wouldn't have place because it didn't have any evolving material but it does help the Parasol Lab advance in their project of motion planning. The the whole thing was certainly a great experience, as it allowed me to learn how to live alone and kinda have a job/intern and learn more about other fields and what is being worked on there. Overall, I want to give great thanks to Parasol Labs, Texas A&M, and Nancy Amato for giving us this great opportunity once again. There are no words to describe the gratitude I have for these people to have given me this great opportunity. This was a fun summer!

Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
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